Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Pay it Forward

I signed up for Ema's Pay it Forward and am I glad I did, because I won! Now I am so excited about not only receiving a mystery gift from Ema, sometime when I least expect it, but also giving one to someone.

So, it's your turn now to Pay it Forward. I'm just asking for three people to leave a comment on my blog and in return, I'll send you a special gift sometime in the next 365 days. Those three people agree to post the PIF on their blog, promising to send a little gift to the first three people to comment. Since I make all sorts of quilted items and special gifts, you never know what I might be inspired to send out. You too will be glad you played the game, so come on now, this is a lot of fun and even if you have already done a PIF before, wouldn't it be nice to receive another surprise in the mail? So, leave a comment and pass it on and may the PIF's keep going.

Thanks Ema!

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