Saturday, August 30, 2008

Little Slugger Quilt

I finished the binding and placed the label on the Little Slugger quilt this morning I made for a friend. WHEW!! That makes 7 labels I've finished this month and one more baby quilt.

The baby's room is baseball themed and I didn't want just an ordinary quilt to give them. This quilt is an example of how I wait until I find just the right fabrics to inspire me. I had an idea in my head, but it wasn't until I saw the baseball fabric that I knew immediately what I was going to do and this is the result. Since it's my own pattern and design, I've decided to post it on our web page and sell this one by taking orders. I just love the way the blues and reds all came together. The picture just doesn't give it justice. I know they are going to love it as much as I do. Sometimes these are just so hard to give away, but worth it when I see the faces of the recipients and know that it will go to a good loving home.

Design Possibilities or Quilter's Dilema?

I was doing my usual reading of other's blogs this morning and found two wonderful blogs I hadn't read before. One, Marilyn at Piece by Piece is giving away a beautiful quilt that she made and if you haven't been to her site, you really should take a look at her work. There are so many wonderful quilters out there that I believe I could spend days just admiring their artistry. Some, like me, could quilt all day every day and still not have the time to finish all those quilts in our heads that we want to do.

Knowing this, I finally devised a system where I write down the ideas that come into my head, include the pattern or design I think I would use, what fabrics I want to use, and then, later when I get time to start on that quilt, I haven't forgotten what I was thinking at the time I wrote it down. Sometimes, as time passes, I find that I've discovered a different pattern or fabric that will work even better for the quilt idea.

When it's time to start a new quilt, for me, it isn't the piecing or design that slows me down, but more which fabrics will best show off the design and then how to arrange those fabrics within the design. I mull over fabrics for several days before cutting into them, as I want the most WOW I can get from my fabrics. Once I have finally made up my mind, the energy and excitement of piecing start all over as I want to finish it and see the final outcome.

My husband (my biggest fan) and very observant I might add, has commented, that it takes me more time to pick out the fabrics than it does to make the quilt. Always challenging myself to go outside my comfort zone, I try to design something new and exciting for me to work on each time I start a new project. It's the excitment, creativity, and challenge of something new and the possibilities, that continually inspire me to keep quilting and I hope that I will never lose that excitement and energy.

How about you what takes you the longest? Designing, finding a pattern, choosing fabric, or putting it all together?

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Thread Painting Class

I taught my Thread Painting class this past Saturday and everyone seemed eager and excited to be there and learn this technique. I was a bit nervous at first, since I was among some very talented quilters, but it went smoothly, as they all focused on their individual thread painting samples. It will be fun to see what they decide to create from these. Other techniques taught were how to fill in blank designs. In this case, the students used a drawing of a lizard or hot air balloon; and thread sketching or thread painting over a line drawing. Their lizards and balloons were so bright and colorful. What wonderful thread color choices they all made and I do believe it was everyone's favorite part of the class.

I enjoyed the opportunity to share my knowledge of thread painting with such a wonderful group of women who were so willing to learn. This a tote I made to use as a sample for the class and yes, all the leaves have been thread painted.

What do you think? Would you have wanted to learn this technique and taken this class? Leave a comment and I will send one of my thread painted clutches to the first three respondents.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Labeling My Quilts

Well, today I have finished putting labels on six quilts. Taking the Pay it Forward challenge to complete as many labels as I can during August, I put binding and labels on two Wounded Warrior quilts for the guild, then one for a gift, one to be sold, and two that were subsequently sold. Let's see, that's six, right? Now, to continue doing what was suggested by Juliann and make the label part of my quiltmaking process by attaching one immediately after finishing the binding. It really is much easier this way. Now, why didn't I think of that? At least this way, I am closer to remembering all the information and won't have to figure it out at some later date or write it down and lose the paper. Thanks for the challenge!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Operation Wounded Warrior

Well, today I must finish my quilt top for Operation Wounded Warrior. What is Operation Wounded Warrior? It's a VFW sponsored support group for soldiers who have been injured on the battle field. These wounded soldiers sometimes spend months in the hospital away from their familes and homes recovering. Our local VFW Riders take these quilts and other supplies and deliver them to soldiers in hospitals in Texas and California.

Our Quilt Guild Enchanted Quilters Guild supports this cause by making lap quilts. This year we are challenged to exceed the number of quilts we donated last year (I believe it was over 100). Since we are a relatively small guild everyone must do their part to make this happen and as the wife of an Army soldier, it gives me great comfort to know that I can do this one small thing for those who paid the higher price of sacrifice for our country. So, off to my sewing room to finish that top and if all goes well, I may get two finished before the next guild meeting.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Pay it Forward

I signed up for Ema's Pay it Forward and am I glad I did, because I won! Now I am so excited about not only receiving a mystery gift from Ema, sometime when I least expect it, but also giving one to someone.

So, it's your turn now to Pay it Forward. I'm just asking for three people to leave a comment on my blog and in return, I'll send you a special gift sometime in the next 365 days. Those three people agree to post the PIF on their blog, promising to send a little gift to the first three people to comment. Since I make all sorts of quilted items and special gifts, you never know what I might be inspired to send out. You too will be glad you played the game, so come on now, this is a lot of fun and even if you have already done a PIF before, wouldn't it be nice to receive another surprise in the mail? So, leave a comment and pass it on and may the PIF's keep going.

Thanks Ema!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Machine Quandry

I recently had a demonstration on the new Viking Designer Diamond sewing and embroidery machine and have to admit I'm hooked. I have a Babyloc and a Bernina sewing machine and love both of them for different reasons, but this new Viking really has me hooked. I've compared it to the new Bernina 830 and between the two, find the Viking more attractive for a couple of reasons. First, pricing is better on the Viking and it just seemed so much more user friendly and second, it was so quiet, I could sew at any time of the day or night and no one would ever hear the machine.

What are your thoughts? The first three people to leave a comment on the comparison of the two machines or perhaps even another brand/type, will receive a special gift.