It was a challenge for me to finish this little quilt, but it is finally done. For some reason, my brain just can't "keep it simple" when it comes to my quilting. I have done simple, easy to do quilts before, so why did this one challenge me so? Maybe because it was a special order for someone? Maybe I was trying to be too orderly? I mean, after all, what is random placement? It should have been simple to just place whatever came next. Not me, I had to arrange and re-arrange the pieces until I saw order in their placement, and yet, I wanted it to look random.
Ok, it's time to go back to therapy and do another quilt from a brown bag again. I remember the time I placed the pieces to a quilt I was making in a brown paper bag and told myself, to take whatever piece came next and just use it. I had such a hard time with that concept. It's suppose to be a freeing experience, not having to think about placement. Not for me it wasn't. I struggled to make myself use whatever came out of that paper bag, each and every time. I felt compelled to evaluate its placement. But, alas, I did make it through the bag and finished that quilt and it really did come out beautifully. So, there really is something to be said for random placement and letting go of the need to put it all in some kind of order.
I mean, I'm a fun gal, I like spontaneity so why not in my quilting. Ok, I shall challenge myself to do that once again on my next project. Let go, let it freely come together and..now, where did I put that brown bag?