Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Quilt Ministry

It has been way too long since I last posted and hopefully this week I will try to catch up. We have been getting our Prayer Quilt Ministry off the ground and going and it has been a quilting, praying marathon this past two weeks. We are so excited to be members of Prayers and Squares International. We can't wait til we get our registration back and can start applying the labels to the quilts in progress.

Prayers and Squares is a quilt ministry that provides a quilt to someone in crisis. The motto is "It's not about the quilts; It's about the prayers." Our church womens outreach ministry decided that this was a good program to join as we have so many in need within our own church and community. Quilters and non quilters alike have joined together to make pocket prayer squares, military prayer squares and lap quilts for those in need. We are very excited about this ministry and where God will lead us. We have already completed and delivered two lap quilts and have two others currently in progress for prayers and then delivery to recipients.

So, this week, I shall begin designing and preparing yet another lap quilt for someone some day who needs our prayers and to be wrapped in love.

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